Privacy Policy


This policy applies to the personal data that we process about you as a natural person. This policy does not apply if we process anonymous or corporate data.

Who processes your personal data?

We are Hemco Invest BV, located at Tieltstraat 144/C, 8760 Meulbeke, Belgium, Chamber of Commerce registration number Kortrijk 142283, VAT number: BE0461.713.664, e-mail

We are the “data controller” responsible for processing your personal data.

What we expect from you?

We expect that you only provide us with personal data about yourself. If you also provide us with personal data about others, you must ensure that you have the right to do so.

We also expect that the personal data you provide to us is correct and that, if specific information changes, you inform us of this change.

Why do we process your personal data?

The purposes for which we process your personal data depend on how you interact with us.

You surf on our website

We process information about your use of our website to remember your choices and to manage and improve our website. For more information about this, we refer to our cookie policy.

You contact us (e.g., by filling in a form on our website or by sending us an email)

We process your personal data to fulfil and manage your request (e.g., a request for information, a subscription to our newsletter or a complaint). This processing is based on your consent.

You purchase products or services from Hemco Invest and you download the Strollo app

We process your personal data for the purpose of customer management, based on the performance of the agreement with you regarding the delivery of the Strollo buggy.

This includes processing your name/email/reference to your pram/personal key to open your personal Strollo account and to start/stop the pram; processing the location of your stroller in order to track and record the duration/distance/speed of the journeys with your stroller; the processing of the information (including photos) that you may send us regarding the maintenance and repair service of the stroller; the processing of the location of your stroller in connection with the function of retrieving the stroller.

The functionalities mentioned above are essential features, inherent to our strollers and necessary to meet your expectations as a user. We cannot fulfil the agreement concluded with you without your personal data. This processing may include compiling a profile. Creating a profile has no effect on you, except that it allows you to have convenience of the functionalities involved.

We may process your personal data for our legitimate business interests.

“Legitimate Interests” are the interests of our business in conducting and managing it to provide you with the best services and products and the best and most secure experience. It also applies to processing that is in your interest.

Processing for our legitimate interests may include processing for (i) fraud prevention and compliance; (ii) certain direct marketing and promotional activities; (iii) offering and operating referral marketing programs; (iv) security of networks and information systems; (v) data analysis; (vi) improve or customize our service; (vii) identify usage trends; or (viii) determining the effectiveness of promotional campaigns or advertising.

With regard to the above activities, we may share your personal data with trusted suppliers who assist us in our data processing activities. Click here for a list of our current suppliers with whom we share data and what they do with that data.

When we process your personal data for our legitimate interests, we make sure we consider and balance the potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights under data protection laws. Our legitimate business interests do not automatically override your interests. We will not use your personal data for activities where our interests outweigh the impact on you (unless we have your consent or it is required or permitted by law).

You have the right to object to this processing if you wish. Please contact for this.

In each case:

We may process your personal data to comply with applicable laws and regulations and for the management of disputes (e.g., prevention/detection/sanctioning unlawful acts and/or misuse of Hemco Invest resources, defence against legal claims), based on our lawful interests. We believe that complying with laws and regulations and managing disputes contribute to safeguarding and advancing our economic, commercial, social and financial interests. The processing may include compiling a profile. Creating a profile has no effect on you, except for the purposes of regulatory compliance and dispute management. We may anonymise your personal data and use aggregated data for research and development, based on our legitimate interests (e.g., revenue statistics, market analysis, user statistics and use of our products and services, development and improvement of our products and services). We believe that research and development can lead to improved customer experience, improvement and innovation of the product, which benefits the persons involved in our products and services (such as customers, distributor, suppliers). Research and development may involve the compilation of a profile. All identifying elements such as your name, address, etc. are omitted. This profiling has no effect on you, except that this processing activity could lead to the improvement of the customer experience, improvement and innovation of the product, which gives you an advantage.

Providing your personal data for these purposes is a requirement, but you can object to the processing (see Article 8 below).

With whom do we share your personal data?

We may transfer your personal data to companies that process personal data on our behalf and for us (known as ‘processors’), to scientific institutions for research and development, to third parties where there is a legal obligation to do so, to our commercial partners and to the police or judicial authorities at their request, if they have the right to request the personal data.

Will your personal data be transferred outside the European Union?

Your personal data may be transferred outside the European Union, including to the United States. Any data transfer is based on appropriate safeguards (declaration of the level of protection adequacy decision and/or standard model data protection clauses of the European Commission). Please contact us at the above address (section 2) or at to receive a copy of the appropriate safeguards.

How long will your personal data be kept?

Your personal data will be kept as long as you have contact with us (e.g., as long as you use the products and services or as long as you subscribe to our newsletter) and for a maximum of 10 years after the end of this relationship.

What are your rights?

You can contact us to exercise the following rights, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation:

Right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, to the extent that you originally consented to the processing of your personal data. Right to view, correct, delete or request limited processing of your personal data. Right to object to processing for direct marketing and/or processing based on the legitimate interests as the basis for the processing (such as research and development). Right to the portability of your personal data that you have provided to us.

You can exercise some of these rights through the settings in your personal account with us (if you have such a personal account).

You can exercise all of the above rights by contacting us at the above address (article 2) or at

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority (e.g., in Belgium: Data Protection Authority, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels,,

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